Become a House Member

Becoming a Member of the Titirangi Community House

• Membership is open to all residents of Titirangi, users of the house, those people who work in Titirangi, and any other people  interested in the Titirangi community
• No membership fee is payable

  • All member applicants must complete and sign any application form and forward to

Every new member shall provide the Titirangi Community House (Society) with their legal name and contact details (including postal address, telephone number(s), and any email address and promptly advise the Titirangi House Manager of any changes to those details.
The Titirangi Management Committee may accept or decline a membership application. The Committee must advise the applicant of its decision (but is not required to provide reasons for that decision).
All Members (including Committee Members) shall promote the interests and purposes of the Society and shall do nothing to bring the Titirangi Community House into disrepute.
Membership does not confer on any Member any right, title, or interest (legal or equitable) in the property of the Society.
A Member is only entitled to exercise the rights of membership (including attending and voting at Annual General Meetings and accessing or using the Society’s premises, facilities, equipment, and other property) if all fees have been paid to the Society by their respective due dates.
The Titirangi Management Committee may decide what access or use Members may have of or to any premises, facilities, equipment, or other property owned, occupied, or otherwise used by the Society, including any conditions fees for such access or use.
Ceasing to be a member
A Member ceases to be a Member
by resignation to the Manager (Secretary)

Obligations on resignation
A Member who resigns or whose membership is terminated under these Rules:
remains liable to pay any outstanding fees to the Society’s by due dates,
shall cease to hold himself or herself as a Member of the Society