Information for parents


Please note all of programme is subject to change due to weather and availability.  We will do our best to notify you of these changes in advance.   Please make sure you are careful when enrolling with us, as we can not give refunds.  

Please ensure children arrives by 9 am to avoid disruption to the programme.  Any child who arrives late on trip days and misses the bus will still be charged the standard rate and will have to go home with their parent/guardian, as there will be no carers on-site during this time.

Please provide your child with morning tea, lunch, a drink (no fizzy drinks), and a hat each day. If your child attends aftercare, they also require afternoon tea. On trip days, children must wear closed-in shoes, wear sunblock, and have a raincoat. 

MEDICAL/ DIETARY INFORMATION:  Please ensure that your child(ren’s) medical and dietary information is current.  You can do this by logging into your Aimyplus profile.    Please provide as much information as possible about any medical or dietary needs.  This is so our staff can ensure your child(ren) is safe while in our care.  This includes information on allergies, special needs, neurodivergence, or dietary information. 

If your child(ren) is required to take medicine during the programme, you must complete a medical consent form. Please contact the office to get this form or speak to one of our staff upon arrival at the programme.

FEE'S: All fee's must be pay before the commencement of the programme (unless prior arrangements have been made with the Manager).  The management reserves the right to refuse entry to the programme if payment is not made before the commencement of the programme.


Please note that we do not give refunds for changes in plans, absences, or sickness.   So choose your dates carefully.

In some cases, a credit or change of days may be possible.  You must contact the Manager at least 72 hours before the original booking, and changes will be made at the Manager's discretion based on circumstances, availability and staffing rosters.  Please be aware that we plan our staffing rosters to meet a 1:8 ratio, with a max of 40 children per day and a 1:6 ratio on trip days.


No sick child will be admitted to the programme. Any child experiencing cold/flu symptoms must be sent home immediately.  The Community House reserves the right to enforce this based on a visual assessment of your child.

If your child becomes ill during the day, they will be made comfortable, and parents will be notified to collect the child. 

If your child is sick and cannot attend the programme please notify the office on 817 7448 before 9.30 am.  There are no refunds for absences.

Special Needs/ Neurodivergence and/or Disabilities

Children with special needs will not be excluded from the programme, providing that the supervisor/ manager is confident that the child's needs can be catered for without negatively affecting the other children and also to ensure that the child will benefit from being at the programme.  The programme can only cope with a small number of children requiring additional support due to staff ratios, the total number of children allowed on site, and the facility's size.  We cannot look after or monitor children 1 to 1. 

Full information about the child's requirements (medical/dietary information), including medication, diet, supervision requirements, and behavioural issues, MUST be included in the enrolment. Management may remove parents who do not provide this information during enrollment.

It is the supervisor's/Manager's responsibility to ensure that all staff and volunteers are fully aware of the child's requirements and feel confident providing the necessary care. Parents are welcome to contact the manager to discuss their child(ren’s) needs and suitability for attendance at the programme. The child’s inclusion will be made based on these factors, and the supervisor will consult with management, who will make the final decision.


Each day when you drop off and collect your child, it is essential that you sign your child in/out on the SIGN IN/OUT Form provided on the table in the foyer. We need to know that your child has gone home safely.

If you are running late, please contact us at 817 7448 to inform us.  Children who are repeatedly collected late may be excluded from the programme, and a late fee of $15.00 will be charged.


Please pick up your child promptly at the time allocated in the enrolment

If a person arrives to collect your child whose name is not on your enrolment form, then we are obliged (for your child’s safety) to keep your child in our care until you have been located for consent.


In the event of an accident or emergency, staff will perform appropriate first aid and, if necessary, call an ambulance. We do have a Medical Centre across the road. Parents will be contacted immediately. Children will not be transported in private vehicles unless there is a serious emergency.


A copy of our Policies and Procedures  can be found here and will also be available on the sign-in/out desk.  This document covers all our policies and procedures, such as Supervision, Safety, Behaviour Management, Complaints, Procedures and Child Protection Policy. Please make yourself familiar with this as this.


The programme has a detailed child protection policy, which includes the reporting of any suspected child abuse to the Dept. of Child, Youth and Family Services.


The programme has a complaints procedure. If you have any problems, please approach the Main Supervisor or, if necessary, the Manager or member of the Management Committee, and they will be happy to help you with your concerns.


The programme will try to look after children’s property but will accept no responsibility for lost or damaged possessions. Please check at the office; we have a lost property box.